Sunday, January 3, 2021

Back to School

The new play dough is made. The classroom has been moved around. Assigned seats are changed. Welcome back to KD! I am going into 2021 with excitement. It's already my favorite time of year- from January to March. The students really start to own their learning, and you see it played out in their work and play. Sometimes we get an occasional snow day, just to add to the variety, but generally it's three months of uninterrupted learning. No big holidays to break up the rhythm or to shift students focus. Knowledge has a chance to seep into learning. All in all, it's an exciting time filled with love, enthusiasm, and growth. Here's what I have in store for my students:

-More open ended provocations and less closed ended instructional learning. Still direct teaching, still skills we need to know, but the real magic happens when they play. That's where I know what they know.

-More following their lead, and less of me telling them what to do.

-More independence, less dependence on me.

This is their class, this is their learning. This is all about them. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Your little ones are so blessed to have you as their teacher!
